Monday, April 25, 2016

Professional Blogging Reflection

Professionalism: Writing Coaching: Living the Achievement Gap

I thought this was my most professional post I wrote this semester. It directly relates to my chosen profession, of course, as I describe the manner in which I have undertaken the process of tutoring high school writers. I thought this post was the best post I made as far as professionalism is concerned.

Design: Mini Multimodal Project

I think the best design I exhibited was in creating the image for the mini mulimodal project post. In this instance I am speaking specifically about the infographic, not as much the post as a whole. I think this was a very fun experience, and I thought that my design in making this graphic was good!

Creativity: Mini Multimodal Project

I think this same post was the one in which I was most creative as well. Here again, I'm referring to the infographic itself, rather than the blog post as a whole, which was the focus of the post and the thing I spent the most time on. I was able to flex my creative juices in a new, interesting way that allowed me to explore a diverse

People's Choice: The Writing Process

I think this post was the best one that I did and most completely fits the criteria that we set as a class for the "People's Choice" award. I talked about my own writing process, and how that differs from the more traditional processes that we are taught in class. I also was able to draw from the readings to cite a source. The graphic I chose is relevant to the topic, as is the link I provided.

For the class's People's Choice Award, I think I would nominate Taylor's blog. All of her posts have been interesting, informative and engaging. Her blog has a very sleek, simple design that I think is very attractive. I also really enjoyed her multimodal project post.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Mini Multimodal Project

For my mini multi-modal composition project, I created the infographic seen to the left (click to enlarge). It's a series preview of this weekend's baseball series between the Milwaukee Brewers and the Pittsburgh Pirates. I had a lot of fun doing it, and it's something I may actually think about doing some more work with to add to my repertoire in my professional life as a Brewers writer.

I used the website Piktochart to create this infographic, and the first hour or so of my work on this was dedicating to playing around a bit with my options and trying to figure out how everything worked. There's a whole deeper world in this site's box of tools to explore that I didn't even begin to dig into, but I certainly plan to go back for more.

To save myself some time and headache, I started with one of the site's pre-made templates, this one was called "Coffee vs. Tea". I took out all the elements that referred to the two beverages, switched around some of the colors (it still has an overall earthy tone that I'm decided is the outfield grass, but really I just couldn't figure out how to adjust the background color), and got to work.

For explanation of what's all included here, the graph shows both team's league rankings in offense, pitching and defense, followed by the weekend's probable starting pitchers. Below those are the team's records, shown graphically. I think added a fun fact at the bottom, along with a source to credit

I think this kind of activity has a lot of uses in the classroom. From one perspective, I can use this to create infographics to support my lessons that students will find interesting. Then of course, I can also have students create their own infographics to show what they have learned in an interesting and fun way.