Monday, April 25, 2016

Professional Blogging Reflection

Professionalism: Writing Coaching: Living the Achievement Gap

I thought this was my most professional post I wrote this semester. It directly relates to my chosen profession, of course, as I describe the manner in which I have undertaken the process of tutoring high school writers. I thought this post was the best post I made as far as professionalism is concerned.

Design: Mini Multimodal Project

I think the best design I exhibited was in creating the image for the mini mulimodal project post. In this instance I am speaking specifically about the infographic, not as much the post as a whole. I think this was a very fun experience, and I thought that my design in making this graphic was good!

Creativity: Mini Multimodal Project

I think this same post was the one in which I was most creative as well. Here again, I'm referring to the infographic itself, rather than the blog post as a whole, which was the focus of the post and the thing I spent the most time on. I was able to flex my creative juices in a new, interesting way that allowed me to explore a diverse

People's Choice: The Writing Process

I think this post was the best one that I did and most completely fits the criteria that we set as a class for the "People's Choice" award. I talked about my own writing process, and how that differs from the more traditional processes that we are taught in class. I also was able to draw from the readings to cite a source. The graphic I chose is relevant to the topic, as is the link I provided.

For the class's People's Choice Award, I think I would nominate Taylor's blog. All of her posts have been interesting, informative and engaging. Her blog has a very sleek, simple design that I think is very attractive. I also really enjoyed her multimodal project post.

1 comment:

  1. These were good choices, Travis. I can see that you put a lot of thought into these posts. Two of them I could identify the most with were Writing Coaching and Writing Process. I also want to be a teacher to help nurture the next generation, and also make notes about paragraphs because organization is key to effective writing. I would choose one of these two posts to receive a BLOSCAR. :)
